Inspiration and ideas for leaders looking to grow.
Monthly Executive Coaching Insights
Real leadership and real transformation is an ongoing process, and one that starts from within. We know that being clear on who you are, and what you want allows you to live and lead with intention. And living with intention makes all the difference.
Our blog posts are pulled from real-time conversations with hundreds of coaching conversations, and from our own corporate experience. So much of living and leading with intention is learn-able, if we allow ourselves the grace and space to explore.
Read on below or search for a specific topic!
Simple Time Management Strategies to Kick off the New Year
Maximize productivity and achieve your goals in 2024 with Nova's expert time management tips and strategies. Learn about effective techniques like time blocking, prioritizing tasks, minimizing distractions, and understanding your chronotype for enhanced performance in the workplace.
Quieting the Noise So You Can Hear Yourself
Check out Nova Leadership’s practical strategies to reclaim focus and unleash your potential. We’ll help you quiet the noise so you can hear a valuable advisor: yourself!
Work Burnout: How to Manage Overwhelm
Let’s look at the causes, signs and solutions to work burnout & overwhelm. Read on to learn how to manage overwhelm.
Leadership in 2023: 5 Things That Stay Stable in Our Ever-Changing Environment
Read about foundational elements of life & leadership in 2023 that continue to point us north when our compass can be spinning out of control.
Using Reflection to Define Your Personal Brand
A personal brand is what makes you uniquely qualified for your own niche in life. Learn how reflection can help you define your personal brand.
Time for Yourself: The Why’s, What’s & How’s to Make it Happen NOW
We’ve learned that taking time for yourself will make you a better leader. Read more on how to make it happen.
How Strong Women Leaders Learn to Trust Their Own Voice
Learn about the challenges associated with trusting our own voice and how to overcome those struggles. Read our women’s leadership development insights.
Transformation and Return
It’s interesting to explore this phase of Transformation and Return when some of our clients and colleagues are facing a return to the workplace. Some are trickling back into the office one by one, others as determined by level or role, and still others are making plans for 2022.
Now is the time for counter-intuitive thinking
We often ask leaders to look inside to address what’s happening on the outside. Adjusting your mind and your outlook is the first step to adjusting behavior. Now more than ever, we’re asking clients to slow down. To step away. The idea of pausing to increase forward momentum is counter intuitive.
Five simple tips you can employ to make a positive impact in the world
The greatest impact can often come from the simplest approach. Take one small step today to lead, and to change yourself and your world for the better.
Cultivating Resilience: Think of the 4 R’s
As I was filling my car with gas the other night, I took a moment to express gratitude for 24x7 availability for gas stations – because I remember the days when my parents had to go get gas only when the station was open, or risk running out of fuel.
I had a theory…
Four Leadership Lessons from my Holiday Readathon
“It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you will be when you can’t help it.” – Oscar Wilde
4 Quick Tips to Manage Overwhelm
So few hours – so much to do!
Sound familiar? So many people I work with are in a state of total overwhelm – and how can that be when we’re only in the first quarter of the year!? In our 24x7 connected world, with competing demands from work, family, friends, etc etc ETC - how can you cope?
Nova Book Review: Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin
When I saw that Gretchen Rubin of The Happiness Project had a book about developing habits, I raced out (well, to Amazon) to buy Better Than Before with high hopes that she could help me continue the good habits she’d convinced me to start in the first place.
13 Ways To Prevent Burnout Before It Happens
Check out Kathleen’s article published on Forbes.
4 Ways to Feel Like You're More Than Just An Employee (Remember Fun?)
"All I am is a number to them, and all they are is a paycheck to me." How many of us have felt that way? More importantly, what can you do about it? I’ve found that even if your current work situation feels dire, these 4 actions are ones we can take to stay motivated and happy.
A Chat with Kathleen and Lisa about Limitless Possibilities and Letting go of What Doesn't Serve Us
We spend so much time focusing on making our clients successful that it's not often that we talk about what drives us. We took a moment to reflect on a few key questions on passion, purpose, and how we wield our skill. We hope you enjoy reading this, and invite you to share your perspective on these questions too!