Inspiration and ideas for leaders looking to grow.
Monthly Executive Coaching Insights
Real leadership and real transformation is an ongoing process, and one that starts from within. We know that being clear on who you are, and what you want allows you to live and lead with intention. And living with intention makes all the difference.
Our blog posts are pulled from real-time conversations with hundreds of coaching conversations, and from our own corporate experience. So much of living and leading with intention is learn-able, if we allow ourselves the grace and space to explore.
Read on below or search for a specific topic!
Coming Soon! Mastermind Groups
Coming soon! Mastermind groups. Watch our promo video and reach out for more information!
Free eBook: Communication Strategies for Leaders
Are you familiar with the “Know, Feel, Do” approach to communicating? This 40-page e-book will provide tips for leading teams of any size, from any industry. Filled with information on establishing and maintaining a cohesive, inclusive organization that communicates well, this e-book is excellent for any style of leader.
Three reasons to invest in your leadership team now – and a tool to help
Reason Number One: Now more than ever, people need strong leaders who have a unified vision. With so much uncertainty, people need stability. Employees look to their leaders to provide guidance and stability, especially in the midst of change.
Five Things To Look For In An Executive Coach
Using these five criteria to evaluate your potential coach will ensure that you get off to a solid start and provides the foundation for a productive and collaborative learning experience.
11 Coach-Recommended Strategies To Break Your Negative Thought Patterns
When things aren’t going your way, it’s easy to start blaming yourself and listening to the negative thoughts that pop into your head. Unfortunately, these thoughts often begin to feed on themselves, eventually taking over and distorting your perspective.
Nova Guide to Personal Branding
This 40-page workbook will walk you through all of the necessary self reflection and planning needed to define and launch your own personal brand. Packed with inspirational quotes, beautiful imagery, and easy to tackle questions, this workbook is designed to get any professional up to speed on creating their own brand.
Nova Book Review: Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin
When I saw that Gretchen Rubin of The Happiness Project had a book about developing habits, I raced out (well, to Amazon) to buy Better Than Before with high hopes that she could help me continue the good habits she’d convinced me to start in the first place.
Nova Guide to Personal Branding now available!
We’re excited to announce that our guide to personal branding is now available for download from our website store.
Nova Review: In The Company of Women
I was thrilled to see so many strong women and role models in In the Company of Women: Inspiration and Advice from over 100 Makers, Artists, and Entrepreneurs by Grace Bonney. I like it so much that I gave copies to a handful of younger women that I mentor and I’ve added it to several of my recommended books lists.
A Chat with Kathleen and Lisa about Limitless Possibilities and Letting go of What Doesn't Serve Us
We spend so much time focusing on making our clients successful that it's not often that we talk about what drives us. We took a moment to reflect on a few key questions on passion, purpose, and how we wield our skill. We hope you enjoy reading this, and invite you to share your perspective on these questions too!
Drawing Inspiration From Austin
Some days I step into my office raring to go. The engines are firing on all cylinders, the coffee is roaring through my veins, the creative juices are flowing, and I take a red pen to my to do list. And then other days, my baby is up all night, the line is too long at my coffee place, and the fog in my brain leads me to inertia in my desk chair.
Why Nova? Kathleen Woodhouse
Nova gives women tools and support to achieve their dreams. Nova is our way of giving women access to the skills and lessons that shaped our careers. Nova is about giving back and raising up – and I am so thrilled to be able to facilitate women coming together to do so!