In praise of looking backwards

Folks, we’re here: staring down the last few weeks of 2020. And while many of us are ready to put this year behind us – in so many ways, and for so many reasons, we’re going to ask each of you to pause before throwing the year out the window. Because – for all its faults, trauma, and drama, 2020 had some gifts.

We’re big believers in reflection, and in the power of the pause. We work with our clients to cultivate  mindfulness in the moment, and the importance of regular time set aside to review and preview. This can be a challenge in our typical action-packed, goal-driven work environments. We know this to be true: the time invested in quiet reflection can bring about significant benefits, and here are a few that are top of mind for us:

  1. It’s good for you: quiet reflection offers mental and physical benefits. One of our favorite HBR references tells us that just “one second is all it takes to become less reactive, and more in tune with the moment. In that one second lies the opportunity to improve the way you decide and direct, the way you engage and lead. That’s an enormous advantage for leaders in fast-paced, high-pressure jobs.” If we could spend just 5-10 minutes each day in reflection before taking action, we could ensure that we’re working on the most important and impactful things – and doing work that’s aligned with our values.

  2. You’ll learn: reviewing your day / your quarter / your year provides the opportunity to be more objective about what worked, and what you could have done better. In the heat of the moment, it’s easy to make missteps. With critical reflection (read: detailed and constructive reflection), you can identify new paths and strategies. Reviewing successful engagements can also be informative: what worked? Why? How can you replicate this in other situations?

  3. It shifts your perspective: Getting a little space from a person / conversation / situation can help. At some point, the chaos and devastation of 2020 will be a memory. When that happens, lets’ hope we remember some of the good things that have happened this year (and thanks to USA Today for inspiring this list):

    1. Major companies such as 3M and Apple pooled resources or shifted production to make millions of masks to help keep people safe

    2. Ford, GM, Tesla, and other automakers were able to make ventilators and other medical devices to help with the pandemic

    3. NASA named its Washington DC headquarters after Mary W. Jackson, its first Black female engineer

    4. Crayola launched a box of crayons with diverse skin colors for children to “accurately color themselves into the world”

    5. We learned that homeschooling is HARD and finally recognize teachers for the heroes that they are

    6. Health care workers and essential workers. Also heroes.

    Our intent is not to downplay the trauma and loss of 2020, but to offer an alternative lens.

  4. And you can practice gratitude: we’ve written about gratitude throughout 2020. There is so much to be grateful for, even in these tumultuous times. We know that a daily gratitude practice can lower stress, reduce anxiety, increase optimism, improve sleep, reduce recovery time…the list goes on and on. Some people keep a gratitude journal, documenting things they’re grateful for on a daily basis. Others practice a start of the day or end of the day gratitude exercise. Whatever path you choose, find a way to incorporate gratitude daily. You’ll be thankful when you do!

Are we thankful 2020 is coming to a close?  You bet! But before you wrap this year, take some time to reflect on the year that was. And if you’d like some prompts, download our 2020 end of year reflection worksheet by clicking the button to the left.

We’re thankful for you, and wish you a peaceful end of the year.

If you’re ready to start looking ahead, here are three ways you can work with us in 2021.

  1. Experience what it’s like to have the extraordinary support of your own executive coach.  Reach out to Kathleen or Lisa to discuss how 1x1 coaching can make all the difference to what you’d like to explore or achieve.

  2. We’re opening the doors for our 2021 Nova Masterminds in just a few weeks.  You’ll join the two of us and a small, curated cohort for six weeks as we explore The Hero’s Journey and your own transformation.  Find inspiration, build your community, and make 2021 your best year yet!

  3. Go deep for a week.  Join our waitlist to be the first to know when we, once again, schedule our signature  Leadership Immersion Retreats.   We bring women together to find the inspiration, ideas, and insights that only come when you step away from your normal routine with the space to reflect and grow. We were scheduled in Florence, Santa Fe and Napa for 2020…join our waitlist to see what’s next.


Looking back at 2020 – Downloadable Workbook


Recognize the Allies in Your Hero's Journey